Utilize the tight integration of Visual Studio Code with the Git source-control management system.
This small Visual Studio Code extension adds two 'bash' commands to VSCode that allow you to start git-bash, either in the folder of the current file or in the workspace's root folder. Plugin provides two commands: bash will open bash in your current file's directory.

- Integrate the Git Bash Terminal into Visual Studio Code on Windows 10Install VSCode: 11 VSCode Extensions: https://youtu.be/M.
- Visual Studio Code, installed A basic understanding of Git concepts and commands, such as working with repositories, forks, clones, and branches, staging and unstaging changes, and pushing commits. You need a GitHub account.
Learning objectives
In this module, you will:
- Perform common GitHub tasks by using the Command Palette in Visual Studio.
- Monitor the status of your work
- Commit your files to your repositories from the Source Control view

Vs Code Add Bash Terminal
- Git, installed
- Visual Studio Code, installed
- A basic understanding of Git concepts and commands, such as working with repositories, forks, clones, and branches, staging and unstaging changes, and pushing commits.
- You need a GitHub account.
Vs Code Use Windows Terminal
- Exercise - Clone a repository and create a branchmin
- Stage, commit, and push changes to a remote repositorymin
- Exercise - Stage, commit, and push changes to a remote repositorymin